Message of Chair ...

Dear Adjunct Professor,

I hope that your year has being fruitful and rewarding as well as a peaceful Christmas time is coming. Next year, our society will arrange connection events /seminars

23.1.2020 at 16.00-17.30, in the cabinet of Pinni A Café (0. Floor) in Main Campus: Case Clinics event that is a workshop where the short introduction about ‘How to lead differences (i.e. heterogeneous teams)’ will be presented and then different cases are discussed. Adjunct Professors are often leading teams and groups. There is a power in heterogeneity but the leading of heterogeneous teams is not always easy, as you know. How to enhance the communication and understanding? By sharing you will get the most.

12.3.2020 at beginning of 16 in the restaurant Telakka (Tullikamarin aukio 3): After Work –evening at own cost. Gathering of adjunct professors around the table (marked as ‘Dosentit’)

23.3.2020 Water seminar in Hervanta campus together with CADWES

April annual meeting and seminar of Adjunct Professors in Main Campus

4.6.2020 UNESCO Chair seminar in Hervanta campus together with CADWES

We are there for you. Hope to see You in our events.

Our purpose is to boost You and Your issues.

We wish you all the best for the coming Holiday and for the New Year 2020

Tanja Pessi

The Chair of Tampere Association of Adjunct Professors